3C 150mm2 Cu 19/33kV PVC Black




  • Product
    AS/NZS 1125; AS/NZS 1429.1; IEC 60228; IEC 60502-2


  • Stranded compacted conductor
  • Semi-conductive insulation screen
  • Copper wire screen
  • XLPE insulation
  • Semi-conductive conductor screen
  • FIllers
  • PVC sheath



Construction characteristics

Construction characteristics

Armour type
Conductor flexibility
Class 2
Conductor material
Conductor shape
Outer sheath
Copper wire
Type of conductor
Stranded compacted

Dimensional characteristics

Dimensional characteristics

Approximate weight
875.0 kg/100m
Conductor cross-section
150 mm²
Conductor diameter
14.49 mm
Diameter over insulation
32.006 mm
Diameter over screen
35.506 mm
Nominal Duct Diameter
125 mm
Nominal Screen Area on each core
68.09 mm²
Nominal insulation thickness
8.0 mm
Nominal overall diameter
84.8 mm
Nominal overall diameter
Number of screen wires (nb x mm Ø)
40 x 0.85 mm Ø

Electrical characteristics

Electrical characteristics

A.C. Conductor resist. 50Hz and at 90 °C
0.159 Ohm/km
Capacitance (All Main Cores - Screen)
0.191 µF / km
Charging current per phase
1.142 A/km
DC Resistance of the Screen at 20°C
0.27 Ohm/km
Dielectric loss per phase
86.8 W/km
Inductive reactance at 50Hz
0.12 Ohm/km
Insulation resistance at 20°C
13000 MOhm.km
Max. DC resistance of the conductor at 20°C
0.124 Ohm/km
Maximum electric stress
3.4 kV/mm
Permissible short circuit current conductor 1s
21.4 kA
Permissible short circuit current screen 1s
10.1 kA
Rated Voltage Uo/U (Um)
Zero sequence reactance at 50HZ
0.072 Ohm/km
Zero sequence resistance at 20°C
0.922 Ohm/km

Mechanical characteristics

Mechanical characteristics

Maximum Pulling Tension
31.5 kN

Usage characteristics

Usage characteristics

Minimum Bend Radius - During Installation (under Tension)
1530 mm
Minimum Bend Radius - Installed
1020 mm



Current carrying capacity table (in Amps) - 19/33kV Three Core

Current carrying capacity table (in Amps) - 19/33kV Three Core
Conductor cross-section
mm² Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al
150.0 397.0 307.0 427.0 330.0 304.0 236.0 381.0 295.0 324.0 251.0
In air touching (3 core)
In air spaced (3 core)
In air enclosed (3 core)
Underground Direct Buried (3 core)
Underground ducts (3 core)

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