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Power Accessories
Services & Solutions

Today, energy demands are driving development in offshore and unconventional sources for oil & gas. This means that investment will be flowing into the sector.
Oil & gas projects cost escalation can easily compromise the viability of new projects. That is why meticulous project execution, a value-enriching offer, advanced engineering skills and services are more important today than ever before.
Company planning budgets assume that increased spending will generate profits, but they want projects to start up on time and perform to expectation in constantly changing conditions.
That requires high-performance equipment, easier installation, turnkey electrical systems, and a host of services to guarantee end-to-end quality, especially in terms of supply chain commitments and engineering support.
Rail provides an answer to sustainable mobility and the land movement of people and goods. It ensures energy-efficient mass urban/suburban commuting in “smart cities,” regular and high-speed travel between cities, and economical freight transport across continents.
Population size, urbanization, congestion and economic development have stimulated rolling stock orders, including high-speed trains, electrical multiple units (EMUs), locomotives, trams and metros.


The international wind industry market is continuing to grow and diversify geographically.
Despite occasional lulls, wind power has continued to be an attractive alternative to fossil fuels and nuclear plants. It must increase if high expectations are to be met. Declining wind turbine prices make wind power even more cost-effective, while recent positive trends include larger wind turbines.
Growth demands new kinds of expertise. Onshore, upscaled turbines and generators mean that networks need room for added output, multiple connections and reliable links. Offshore projects (50 to 200 km out) require robust submarine cables, precision maritime installation, and efficient long-distance transmission.
Above all, variable wind energy calls for overall grid stability through surveillance, control and communications.
With 40% of global energy-related CO2 emissions coming from the power sector, the widespread deployment of low-carbon, zero-harm and affordable energy sources represents the only path for bringing emissions under control to meet world power demands. Primary Energy Sources (Energy Mix) must evolve towards Renewable Energies. Solar now represents around 1% of the Energy Mix. But growth will be exponential. Solar is now the world’s highest investment priority.
One of the major benefits of large-scale solar generation is that plants can be built relatively quickly, often within a year, compared to hydro and fossil fuel projects that may require five years to complete. This not only means enhanced savings for initial investment, but also lower long-term maintenance costs.


Nexans have available a dedicated range of Power Accessories for both 52kV and up to 72kV applications.
The product range includes, “F” Interface connectors and bushings, straight joints and both indoor and outdoor terminations.
Typical applications for 72kV accessories are for use on 66kV utility networks, whilst 52kV can be used for high voltage systems for Rolling Stock.

1 - Head Office, Melbourne , Australia Nexans Power Accessories Australia Building 2, 69 Dalton Road, Thomastown, VIC 3074 Tel: +61 3 9205 8400 |
2 - Branch Office, Western Australia Nexans Power Accessories Australia 857 Abernethy Road, Forrestfield, WA 6058 Tel: 0409 910 146 |
3 - Branch Office, Queensland Nexans Power Accessories Australia 541 Bilsen Rd, Geebung, QLD 4034 Tel: 0439 032 151 |
4 - New Zealand Distributor CSL 22 Fischer Crescent, Mt Wellington, Auckland Tel: 0800 288 423 support@csl-online.nz www.csl-online.nz |
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